When I checked into my hotel yesterday evening I found a letter shoved underneath the door encouraging delegates to vote for Ron Paul at the convention. “We want to tell you that you are NOT bound!” the letter stated. 

Others reported receiving the same letter. 

Contrary to the letter, delegates are bound according to their state rules. If no nominee is selected then according to various states’ rulings, delegates are not bound, but the author of the letter is incorrect in stating such. Superdelegates may not be bound, but the same cannot be said for delegates. 

Concerning delegates and action on the floor, Newt Gingrich remarked that he doesn’t believe Ron Paul’s delegates will cause any problems on the floor:

“I think the Ron Paul people have said openly they are going to be supportive on the floor and do not expect problems,” Gingrich said on CNN’s “Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien.” “Plus, Rand Paul has played a role and does get a speech. It’s unlikely that Ron Paul will want to embarrass his son in that kind of a setting.”