Tonight, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) is slated to kick of a rousing round of “blame the Republicans” at the Democratic National Convention. He’ll be speaking at approximately 8:30 PM EDT, ushering Americans into primetime coverage.

First, he’ll blame Republicans for Obama’s economic failures:

“As a member of the Democratic House leadership, I have witnessed President Obama light candle after candle, trying to bring our country out of the darkness of a great recession, only to see Republicans douse the flickering flames and amuse themselves cursing the darkness.”

So Republicans want America to fail. That’s a good starter. But he goes on to attack Romney on taxes:

“We know Romney thinks the wealthy should continue paying lower tax rates than middle-class families. In 2010, he paid a tax rate of only 13.9 percent, lower than most middle-class Americans. Did he take unusual steps to avoid paying his fair share? Who knows? He refuses to release enough of his tax returns to give a clear picture of his finances.”

So we’re back to the Romney as secret felon. But it gets worse. Apparently Bill Clinton never worked with Republicans to create economic prosperity:

“When the economy of our country languished in the darkness of uncertainty, William Jefferson Clinton and a Democratic Congress lit the candles that illuminated the pathway to prosperity by creating over 20 million jobs, and we did so without a single Republican vote.”

Really? A single Republican vote? How about reducing capital gains? How about Welfare reform?

But Clyburn isn’t done:

“We should not run from the term Obamacare. In fact, I embrace the term and am glad Obama cares …. We should all be thankful that Obama cares.”

Should we? After the greatest middle class tax hike in American history?

Clyburn’s theme of darkness and light is more than a bit insulting. Republicans don’t want darkness. And Obama is no lightbringer. But Clyburn finishes by quoting Romans 13:12: “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.”

He doesn’t continue to Romans 13:13: “Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy.”

But his point is made: Obama is a messianic figure. And he’s here to light candles. Which, of course, makes the Republicans tools of a semi-Satanic power seeking to quash the light.