The faux Republican War on Women is a major part of the Obama campaign’s strategy for 2012. And with all of the utter contempt that Obama really feels for women, he has asked Bill Clinton to speak.

Asking Bill Clinton to speak at a convention that claims it is defending women is like asking Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak at a Holocaust memorial. Clinton’s brutal history of abusing and ostensibly raping women marks him as the worst kind of sexual predator – the kind who uses his position of power to force women to capitulate and then threaten them into silence.

There have been countless voluminous reports of Clinton’s lechery for decades, but some are better known than others. Juanita Broaddrick’s violent rape by Clinton in 1978 when he was the attorney general of Arkansas was the first case chronologically to go public. When she finally told her story to NBC’s Lisa Myers 21 years later, NBC shelved the interview because of pressure from the White House. Fox News was threatened after they reported it, so Broaddrick finally opened up to the Wall Street Journal.

At a White House Press Conference, March 19, 1999, Sam Donaldson asked Clinton:

Mr. President, when Juanita Broaddrick leveled her charges against you of rape in a nationally televised interview, your attorney David Kendall issued a statement denying them. But shouldn’t you speak directly on this matter and reassure the public? And if they are not true, can you tell us what your relationship with Ms. Broaddrick was, if any?

Clinton replied:

Well, five weeks ago today, five weeks ago today, I stood in the rose garden after the Senate voted and I told you that I thought I owed it to the American people to give them 100 percent of my time and to focus on their business, and that I would leave to others to decide whether they would follow that lead. And that is why I have decided as soon as that vote was over that I would allow all future questions to be answered by my attorneys, and I think I made the right decision. I hope you can understand it. I think the American people do understand it and support it. And I think it was the right decision.

Donaldson persisted:  “[Won’t you] simply deny it, sir?”

Clinton answered: “There’s been a statement made by my attorney.. He speaks for me, and I think he spoke quite clearly.”

Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays said that based on secret evidence he reviewed during the impeachment controversy, he believed President Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, not once, but twice.