After Bill Clinton finishes his speech at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night, Monica Lewinsky’s former rabbi will cap off the night by delivering the benediction. 

In 1998, Rabbi David Wolpe called Clinton an “extraordinary child” and said Clinton needed to “cleanse his soul” at the height of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. The former President’s affair with the then-White House intern led to perjury charges for Mr. Clinton. The House impeached Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. The Senate acquitted Clinton, and he was not removed from office.

According to ABC News, the Lewinsky family attended Los Angeles’ Sinai Temple, where Wolpe is a Rabbi, for decades.

The DNC went through a rocky and contentious afternoon Wednesday as DNC chair Antonio Villaraigosa presided over changes to the language in the DNC platform, seemingly against delegates’ wishes. The language inserted into the platform included references to God and recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Democrats changed the language in the platform despite not having the support of two-thirds of those on the floor. Villaraigosa “deemed” the changes passed. 

Wolpe, who once was a fierce critic of Clinton’s, benediction may be a symbol of unity for Democrats who have had trouble coming together on a host of issues at their own convention. The theme of the first two days of the DNC was “America Coming Together.”