Mitt Romney’s campaign went on the air in Wisconsin on Sunday, expanding its advertising offensive against President Barack Obama and making a play for a state that would give Romney some much-needed breathing room on the electoral map.

The commercial is the 16th “Better Future” advertisement Romney has released in nine swing states since Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention in an attempt to blunt any momentum Obama may have received coming out of the convention. Each ad is specifically tailored for each state and various demographics. 

“This president can ask us to be patient,” Romney says in the ad  “This president can tell us it was someone else’s fault. But this president cannot tell us that you’re better off today than when he took office.”

A narrator then says, “there’s a prairie fire of debt that grows over $3 billion dollars per day,” and notes Romney would create over “240,000 new jobs for Wisconsin.” 

Wisconsin was thought to be a shoo-in for Obama and was included in the baseline of states the Obama campaign assumed it would win. 

However, when Romney put Wisconsin native and Congressman Paul Ryan on the ticket, Wisconsin became a swing state. In addition, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) instituted public sector and fiscal reforms to give the state a budget surplus without raising taxes after he was elected in 2010, Wisconsin voters prevented him from being recalled because Walker’s reforms were working.

Wisconsin voters may be receptive to Romney’s economic message. If Romney could win Wisconsin, he would not have to draw an inside straight, so to speak, and run the table in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina to have any chance at winning the election. 

The RealClearPolitics average of polls in Wisconsin has Obama only leading by 1.4 percentage points.