Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chair of the House Oversight Committee, has come out firing today after reports about collusion between the Department of Justice and far-left propaganda machine Media Matters for America. The reports showed that DOJ officials and Media Matters were trading information about particular conservatives, including Breitbart News editor Joel Pollak. “Not since Richard Nixon have we seen a president who puts together an enemies list and has a whole team pursuing it,” said Issa today. “That’s what’s happened in this administration. It’s sad. It’s not the America I want to see going forward. I sincerely hope that after the election, regardless, the American people will have made a statement that they won’t tolerate this.”

Issa also suggested that Congress look at whether Media Matters be able to keep its nonpartisan tax exempt status under current law. Furthermore, said Issa, DOJ Office of Public Affairs Director Trace Schmaler, who worked with Media Matters, should be fired. “These people represent the culture that President Obama brought in to Washington,” he said. “A culture of division; a culture that embraces the concept that the 1 percent is evil and somehow the rest of America somehow needs to punish the 1 percent.”