On the Obama campaign’s website’s “Jobs and Economy” section, there is no detailed economic plan for the Democrat president’s second term.

First, the page touts the economic achievements heard regularly at the Democratic National Convention weeks ago. The first section is devoted to Obama’s auto bailout, then a claim that U.S. manufacturing has had its highest growth in more than a decade.

“Obama refused to let the auto industry die,” the section says. “the U.S. auto industry is roaring back and adding jobs and all government loans were paid back ahead of time.”

The page then makes several promises for a hypothetical Obama second term — “Made in America” and “Making sure everybody plays by the same rules.”

It claims, “Obama has a plan to bring jobs back to the U.S. by eliminating tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, and creating incentives for businesses to bring jobs back to America.”

This section links to a page labeled as Obama’s “plan.” This consists of eliminating “tax breaks for companies that outsource American jobs,” creating “tax incentives for businesses bringing jobs back home,” investing “in education and training programs for American workers,” and making “tax cuts for the middle class permanent.”  

The page with these four points has been “liked” 73 times on Facebook and has been tweeted 6 times. 

The section titled “Making sure everyone plays by the same rules” touts Wall Street regulations that made “sure that Americans would never again have to pay to bail out big banks.” It links to a page with another four-part “plan” that again boasts of past actions. It claims Obama “passed Wall Street Reform,” “Ended taxpayer-funded bailouts,” “banned unfair credit card rate increases and fees,” and “set ground rules for risky financial speculation.” 

This page has been shared on Facebook 10 times and none on Twitter.

The “plan” pages both compare President Obama’s goals with Republican challenger Mitt Romney’s, painting the former governor as someone who will take the country backwards. For instance, the site accuses Romney of planning to raise taxes on the middle class, a claim contested by various fact checkers.

At one point, the page dings Romney for opposing the 2009 Recovery Act, but nowhere else is the controversial stimulus bill discussed or its accomplishments touted.

Aside from these general statements and accusations against Mr. Romney, this section of the Obama campaign website gives no further details for how the incumbent president plans to reduce unemployment, lower energy prices, reform entitlements, or reduce the national debt.