President Barack Obama is sounding more like Bill Clinton every day. Now he’s testing the waters for a possible run for the presidency by his wife by disingenuously saying she’ll never run:

She definitely could be the president, but she’ll never run for the presidency — ‘cuz she’s got too much sense … She’s an incredible person and an incredible talent. Politics is not her thing.

She definitely “could” be the president. She’s an incredible person and an incredible talent. Obama missed his calling; he has a career as Michelle’s press agent just waiting for him.

But this is typical Democratic Party pablum: create someone they think has “star-quality” who has never had experience governing on the national level, and then sell them as magnetic enough to make the magic happen. Barack Obama is the quintessence of this kind of effort, but Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were also anointed as fresh-new stars capable of running the country. It really dates back to JFK, who had very little genuine experience as a senator when his daddy’s money helped buy him the nomination.

It’s all a celebrity contest for the Democrats, and so the selling of Michelle Obama is inevitable.

Just don’t put Hillary Clinton next to her and the knife drawer.