Just one day after an Islamic activist attempted to cover over private property in spray paint (and a woman who got in her way), the Metropolitan Transit Authority in New York has announced they will amend their rules to prohibit the types of advertisements that offended her.

The New York Times reports the MTA will prohibit any advertisements that it “reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate breach of the peace.” Those “viewpoint” ads that do not meet this criteria will be allowed, so long as a disclaimer is included saying the MTA does not endorse them. The MTA met on Thursday to discuss the rules, which were approved unanimously 8-0. 

Self-proclaimed “proud-liberal Muslim” activist Mona Eltahawy served as the impetus of the ruling after she spray painted a pro-Israel advertisement placed in the New York City subway:

Bystander Pamela Hall used her body to shield the subway station ad, with which she agreed, while Eltahawy shouted profanities and fought to continue spray painting, as documented in a video of the event.

At today’s public meeting of the MTA, audience members held signs in support of Eltahawy saying the subways “belong to the 99%.”

While being handcuffed by the NYPD officers in the video, Eltahawy shouts, “this is what happens in America when you express yourself.”