Breitbart News has confirmed that Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren is currently not licensed to practice law in any state of the union. She has never had a license to practice law in Massachusetts, has been ineligible to practice law in Texas since 1992, and voluntarily withdrew her license in the State of New Jersey on September 11, 2012.

Ms. Warren has struggled to communicate the details of her law license status since this controversy erupted on Monday. As each new explanation arises, reporters have found factual errors and inconsistencies.

Take for instance, her recent statement about her admission to the bar in Texas. On Monday, she told Robert Rizzo of

I haven’t practiced any law since 2010 since I went down to do the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I’ve been a member of the bar in Texas for all of my career, in the Supreme Court bar, and until a few weeks ago the bar in New Jersey.

Ms. Warren’s claim that she’s been a member of the bar in Texas for all her career is simply not true. 

Ms. Warren graduated from Rutgers Law School in New Jersey in 1976, and was accepted as a member of the New Jersey bar in 1977. That’s when her career began, a full nine years before she was first accepted as a member of the Texas bar in 1986, as this document shows:

Warren’s Texas Bar Record

Rob Eno of RedMassGroup adds:

We have learned in the past 36 hours that Elizabeth Warren, while an inactive member of the Texas Bar, was not licensed to practice law in the State of Texas.  In an emailed response to Red Mass Group, Kim Davey the Public Information Officer for the State Bar of Texas confirmed two things.  

First, Elizabeth Warren has had a Bar membership in Texas, under the status inactive, since June 1, 1992.

Second, an inactive membership, in effect means you are no longer licensed to practice law in the State of Texas.

Ms. Warren also made an inaccurate statement about her New Jersey bar status when she told a Boston radio station on Monday that she has been an inactive member of the New Jersey bar “for a very very long time.” You can hear the full audio of that interview here. Ms. Warren’s statement comes at the 44-minute mark.

As it turns out, the bar of New Jersey does not have “Inactive” status for its members. The bar of New Jersey lists 15 possible categories for “attorney status,” which can be seen here. “Inactive” is not one of these 15 possible categories.