Barack Obama portrays himself as the great defender of the middle class. But the American public seems to agree with Vice President Joe Biden that under Obama’s watch, the middle class has been “buried.” According to a new poll, 85 percent of self-described middle class people say it’s tougher now than it was 10 years ago for middle class people simply to maintain their standard of living. 62 percent of those people say blame lies largely with Congress; another 54 percent blame banks; 47 percent blame corporations; 44 percent blame Bush; 39 percent blame foreign competition. Surprisingly, just 34 percent blame the Obama administration.

The rationale is clear: Obama and his media lackeys have done an admirable job shifting blame for the middle class’ plight from Obama to everyone else. That’s why 52 percent of those polled said that Obama’s second term policies would help them, even though the last four years have been some of the worst in history for the middle class. Just 42 percent of those polled said Romney’s policies would help the middle class.

Mitt Romney is going to have to put the screws to President Obama on why his policies have failed the middle class. And he’s going to have to make an affirmative case as to why his policies are different from those of George W. Bush.