Occupy Denver was never one of the key satellites of now comatose anti-capitalist movement.

Still, the Denver contingent hung around the city’s downtown area for several months, forcing the local government to pass a special new law to deal with its “occupation.”

Tonight, with President Barack Obama and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in town, the Occupy Denver forces couldn’t rally enough troops to fill a street intersection near the debate center.

The gaggle pulled out the standard Occupy tics in the middle of the blocked off intersection, from angry placards to drums and singing. One sign said, “Property is Theft,” and a few Occupy members carried placards for Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate.

Police stood at the ready nearby, but when this reporter watched the group move on from the intersection of University Blvd. and Evans Avenue next to the University of Denver campus, the movement’s oft-violent nature wasn’t on display.