(AP) Pro-Muslim ads going up by NYC subway ‘savage’ ads
Two religious groups will hang ads urging tolerance alongside anti-jihad advertisements in New York City subways that equate Muslim radicals with savages.

The ads by Rabbis for Human Rights – North America and the Christian group Sojourners will go up Monday.

The New York Times ( http://nyti.ms/SxgsGN) reports that they’ll hang in the 10 Manhattan subway stations where the anti-jihad ads implying enemies of Israel are “savages” appear.

The rabbis’ ad says: “In the choice between love and hate, choose love. Help stop bigotry against our Muslim neighbors.”

The Christian ad says: “Love your Muslim neighbors.”

On Wednesday, another group, United Methodist Women, placed pro-Muslim ads in the subway. They say: “Hate speech is not civilized.”

The American Freedom Defense Initiative is behind the anti-jihad ads.


Information from: The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com