How badly does the Obama Administration want the Hispanic vote? Here’s how much; the number of illegal aliens caught in 2011 was the lowest in 40 years. And that fiscal year wasn’t an exception to the rule; every single year Barack Obama has been in office the number of those illegal aliens apprehended has gone one direction – down.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, the number of the apprehended looks like this:

         2009: 869,857

2010: 752,329

2011: 641,633

The 2011 number was the lowest since 1972. In 1972 the number was 505,949.

To make it even more clear how the Obama Administration has refused to act, the number in Obama’s first year, 869,857, was the lowest since 1974, when 788,145 people were caught.

Guess where the area was that had the highest number of arrests after 2002?

Yup, Tucson, Arizona, where Governor Jan Brewer has been fighting with Obama over his refusal to act. Unsurprisingly, the lowest number of arrests in the Tucson sector since 2002 came in 2011, with only 123,285 apprehensions reported.

Obama does seem to find a way to pander to every constituency. Too bad he won’t uphold the Constitution.