The Broward County Log Cabin Republicans, a Republican gay rights group in Florida, ran an advertisement last week in a local magazine that claimed to show the dead body of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya on 9/11. The ad implies Stevens was gay and the Obama administration has not done enough to protect gay Americans against intolerance abroad, especially in Islamic countries. 

The ad, which purportedly shows a mob parading Stevens’ dead body around Libya, asks if the Obama administration is not going to protect gay Americans abroad from the “terror of Islamic radicalism,” how can they fight against the implementation of Sharia law. 

According to the Huffington Post, the Broward County Log Cabin Republicans published the ad in the Florida Agenda, an LGBT magazine.

“Broward County Log Cabin Republicans are unified in their support of Equality of Rights in the State of Israel,” the ad also reads. “Israel, regardless of anyone’s sexual orientation, is the one beacon of hope in the Middle East defending our communities [sic] human rights.”

R. Clarke Cooper, the Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans, told the Huffington Post the ad was “ridiculous” and “obscene.”

“There was no tie to Islamic homophobia on the attack of U.S. personnel in Benghazi,” Cooper said.