Looking to increase his momentum in the battleground states, Mitt Romney is spending an estimated $13.6 million on commercials in nine crucial swing states this week, proving his campaign is different from John McCain’s in 2008, which could not compete with Obama down the stretch on the airwaves in battleground states. 

Romney has taken the lead in the most recent Gallup poll of battleground states, largely because he has closed the gender gap with Obama after his dominating first debate, and his campaign is spending more than the Obama campaign on television commercials in battleground states. 

According to data compiled by CNN, Romney is spending more than $3 million in Florida and Ohio and over $2 million in Virginia.  He is also spending over a million dollars in Iowa and Colorado this week. 

Romney’s resources allow him to have the air game McCain never had in 2008 against Obama, which makes it more likely Romney’s momentum will not fade in the battleground states. When the commercials outside groups — like Americans For Prosperity and Crossroads GPS — are buying are factored in, Romney will be more than able to match Team Obama commercial for commercial in the final month of the campaign. 

Here is how much the Romney campaign will spend this week on ads in nine battleground states:

Colorado: $ 1,235,000
Florida: $ 3,476,000
Iowa $ 1,083,000
Nevada $ 613,000
New Hampshire $ 315,695
North Carolina $ 828,000
Ohio $ 3,145,000
Virginia $ 2,220,000
Wisconsin $ 677,113