A Rasmussen Reports poll found Mitt Romney with a 4-point lead (50%-46%) over President Barack Obama in Colorado, with Romney reaching the 50% mark in the Rasmussen poll for the first time this election cycle. 

Obama won Colorado by nine points in 2008. While he had been under performing in Colorado compared to 2008, he was essentially tied with Romney in the state, until the first presidential debate in Denver. After that debate, Colorado has trended toward Romney in nearly every poll since. 

Romney leads Obama by seven points (51%-44%) on the economy and by 6 points (51%-45%) on national security. Two weeks ago, Romney led Obama by two points on the economy and Obama led Romney by two points on national security in Colorado, which means Romney has experienced a five-point swing on the economy and an eight-point swing on national security with Colorado’s voters.

Rasmussen notes while Colorado still remains a “toss-up,” it is the “fourth swing state that has moved in Romney’s direction in the past week,” joining Florida, Missouri and North Carolina. 

According to the poll, 96% of Colorado’s likely voters surveyed say they are “certain to vote,” and Romney leads by four points (51%-47% ) among these voters. Among those who have voted by absentee ballot, Romney led Obama by one point. 

Rasmussen surveyed 500 likely voters in Colorado on October 21 and the poll’s margin of  error is +/- 4.5 percentage points.