This Friday, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani staunchly defended Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin Tommy Thompson, former governor of the state, against what he described as completely baseless attacks from his opponent Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). Thompson, who was instrumental in facilitating aid to New York City in the hours and days following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, had been accused by Baldwin of “profiting off” of the attack and getting in the way of providing services to patients.

Baldwin’s campaign has been under fire from Thompson for a series of extreme votes. Baldwin failed to support a house resolution honoring September 11 first responders, had voted against providing body armor to our troops in Iraq, and was one of just 11 representatives who didn’t vote to condemn Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s genocidal remarks regarding the destruction of Israel.

In response, Baldwin’s campaign has accused Thompson of profiting from the September 11 over money hemade ten years later after he left the Bush administration for Logistics Health Inc.. This company, which obtained an $11 million contract to deliver health care for World Trade Center responders from outside New York, was sold in 2011, resulting in a new profit to Thompson of $3 million. 

John Kraus, a Baldwin spokesman, says this equates to profiting from the tragedy.

Giuliani rejected the attacks against Thompson, stating that “The fact that the company he worked with does good work in helping people that were affected by September 11, is a credit to Tommy Thompson, this is what we want people in the private sector to do.” This, he continued, “reflects Baldwin’s prejudice against the private sector.”

Further, Giuliani told the reporters on the call that Thompson “is one of the unsung heroes of the response to September 11. For Tammy Baldwin to attack him on anything to do with September 11, is hypocritical… she should be ashamed of herself.”

Giuliani defended Thompson, saying, “No cabinet secretary did more to assist after September 11. Within one hour of 9/11 he did more than anyone I can think of. He deployed thousands of people to help through HHS.”

Regarding Baldwin, Giuliani noted because of her “extreme” voting record, especially on September 11 issues, sometimes even worse than Nancy Pelosi, said that “it would be an embarrassment if she sat on the U.S. Senate and frankly to a lot of people it would be an insult.”