Once again, Sherrod Brown (D-OH) supporters intimidated a Josh Mandel (R-OH) supporter attempting to attend a Brown event, this time at the USW Union Hall in Findlay, OH. 

On Tuesday of this week, an Army veteran endured verbal abuse for supporting Mandel. On Thursday, the intimidation efforts escalated as a USW member shoved the camera of a tracker for the Mandel campaign. The event was open to the media, yet union members prevented the Mandel supporter from entering, apparently enlisting the local police to guard the hall entrance.

The media in Ohio, including the Cleveland Plain Dealer, which employs Brown’s wife, have largely given Sherrod Brown a pass in regards to questions surrounding campaign donations from the controversial J Street lobbying organization, support from the Communist Party USA, and stimulus funds granted to Forest City Enterprises–a leading Brown campaign contributor.

The decision to exclude citizens from events who might actually ask questions of interest to the public reflects poorly on the senator. Sherrod Brown should request that his supporters at campaign events cease their efforts to intimidate citizens who simply seek to ask the senator about these important issues.