Ted Cruz, the Senator-elect for Texas, is disgusted with the fact that Mitt Romney eschewed taking a strong conservative stance against Barack Obama instead opting for making nice with Obama. Conservatives never really made an argument.

Cruz stated unequivocally, “We didn’t  win the argument, we didn’t even make the argument.” But then in the first debate:

It was the one time we actually contested ideas, presented two viewpoints and directions for the country. And then inevitably, there are these mandarins of politics, who give the voice: ‘Don’t show any contrasts. Don’t rock  the boat.’ So by the third debate, I’m pretty certain Mitt Romney actually French-kissed Barack Obama.

I have no doubt that there is a focus group somewhere of undecided Ohio voters who have been living in a cave for the last 30 years, who decided they liked that. Don’t show any disagreement whatsoever with the president. Don’t rock the boat. Just be a nice guy.

Cruz asserted that moving to the center was a losing strategy for Republicans. Instead, he offered a straightforward mantra: “Our ideas work. Theirs don’t.”

Cruz is nothing if not blunt-spoken and conservative to the core. Where’s that cloning machine again?