Breitbart News has learned that a third senior officer’s family is connected to Natalie Khawam, sister of Jill Kelley, the woman who sparked the investigation into David Petraeus’ affair. 

Susan Fallon, daughter of the former head of U.S. Central Command, Adm. William J. Fallon, involved herself in Natalie Khawam’s custody battle and encouraged Khawam to steal her then-husband’s computer to hack into it. Natalie is the twin of Jill Kelley, the woman who alerted her friend in the FBI about allegedly “jealous” emails sent from an unknown person now believed to be Petraeus’ mistress, Paula Broadwell.

According to court records, Fallon witnessed an intense argument between Natalie and her then-husband, Grayson Wolfe, on March 3, 2009. The argument culminated in Natalie leaving the couple’s home with their 4 month-old son. Natalie and the baby spent that night at Fallon’s home. Ms. Fallon’s involvement had crossed all normal boundaries in the days leading up to March 3. The court records of Wolfe v. Khawam refer to Fallon as:

an advisor for Ms. Khawam in those final days before the removal — and whose encouraging words led Ms. Khawam to steal Mr. Wolfe’s computer on March 3, 2009 and later to hack into it with the hope of finding incriminating information for use in the divorce and custody litigation.

This connection between Natalie and another family at the top of CENTCOM comes in addition to General David Petraeus and General John Allen. As previously reported by Breitbart News, Jill Kelley may have used her influence to have both former CIA Director General Petraeus and General Allen to speak favorably on her twin’s behalf during her custody battle. 

Petraeus was in the midst of leading the investigation into the Benghazi mission attack when he took time to write a letter of support for Ms. Khawam. The generals wrote flowery testaments to Natalie’s parenting skills based on observations of her behavior at social functions. The letters stand in stark contrast to the evidence presented in the case and to Judge Neal Kravitz’s ruling where he deemed:

Ms. Khawam appears to lack any appreciation or respect for the importance of honesty and integrity in her interactions with her family, employers, and others with whom she comes in contact. The court fully expects that Ms. Khawam’s pattern of misrepresentations about virtually everything, including the most important aspects of her life, will continue indefinitely.

In the same case, her twin, Jill Kelley, was ruled to be a “patently biased and unbelievable witness.”

It is baffling that the twins were able to entwine themselves so closely with the families of three high-ranking military officials without raising suspicions at MacDill Air Force Base, home to CENTCOM, where Jill Kelley enjoyed easy access as an “honorary consul.” Even more disturbing, however, is the lengths to which these military leaders lent their influence on behalf of the convoluted personal affairs of a troubled civilian family.

Danielle Avel is an analyst formerly affiliated with the Investigative Project on Terrorism. She can be reached through her website and on Twitter.