Even union lackey California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) can’t handle the unions anymore. Brown has appealed a lawsuit that would pay state unions some $12 million because Brown furloughed them thanks to the $16 billion state debt. Last summer, an Alameda Superior Court judge held that 250 union members had to receive two days of back pay thanks to a two-day furlough from March 2011. The only workers who would receive back pay: members of two unions, the Professional Engineers in California Government or California Association of Professional Scientists. The court actually found that managers had to lose the same number of hours as union members under state law, thanks to union contracts.

When even Jerry Brown can’t handle the folks who put him into power and pay his bills – the unions rammed through the vast tax increase of Proposition 30 while funding the shutdown of the anti-union measure Proposition 32 – you know they’re out of control. And they’re completely out of control.