Former George W. Bush Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez is starting a super PAC that will support comprehensive immigration reform — or amnesty — and candidates that support it. Gutierrez recently said that English should not be the official language of government.

The super PAC argues that “all undocumented immigrants should be given a path towards legality.” 

Gutierrez, who worked on the Romney campaign as his Hispanic Outreach Coordinator (Romney won 27% of the Hispanic vote), is starting the “Republicans For Immigration Reform” super PAC with Charlie Spies, who co-founded the biggest pro-Romney super PAC, Restore Our Future.

According to Guttieriez, the super PAC will aim to “provide some intellectual cover to Republicans so that they can move forwards without being politically hindered” in pursuing immigration reform and amnesty. 

“If we are to remain the party of entrepreneurs and economic freedom and American prosperity, we have to also be the party of immigration,” Gutierrez said. 

This is yet another example of the moderate Republican establishment — and their highly-paid consultants –believing that the only way to win over Hispanic voters is by offering them forms of amnesty instead of forcefully arguing for conservative values and beliefs.