Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been a strong opponent of Ambassador Susan Rice’s pending nomination to Sec. of State, and Democrats have tried to derail his opposition by labeling it “racist,” sexist, and indicative of “code words” used by Senators who oppose minorities. 

To this point, however, Graham has held his ground. And on Nov. 21 he made it clear that the only color he’s concerned with is the color is “red” — the “red” of “the blood of those who were killed” in Benghazi.

Said Graham: “When [they] can’t answer the question, [they] attack the questioner…my criticism has been about failed foreign policy.” He added that “it would be a terrible thing in America if you couldn’t question and challenge that they did their jobs.”

Moreover, Graham is reminding Democrats that he also wants the resignation of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Chief Counterterrorism Adviser John Brennan. And both of these are white male members of the Obama administration.

Graham continues to ask how Rice concluded the Benghazi attacks were due to a YouTube video. He says that even if someone handed her the notes to read, her willingness to read what was obviously wrong demonstrates “incompetence on her part.” On the other hand, if nothing was handed to her and she and the president just made up the YouTube excuse, the story-line was simply “politically beneficial.”

Either way, this has zero to do with race, sex, or “code words.”