Nothing says Christmas like leveling of the sexes. That’s what’s in the stocking in Sweden, where the country’s advertising standards prevent gender stereotyping. That means that Toys “R” Us in the country is advertising dolls for boys and guns for girls. Jan Nyber of Top Toy, which owns Toys “R” Us in Northern Europe, explained, “With the new gender thinking, there is nothing that is right or wrong. It’s not a boy or a girl thing, it’s a toy for children.” The ads depict boys playing with hairdryers and doing girls’ hair, and girls wearing blue shirts instead of pink. The country has even added a gender neutral pronoun to substitute for “he” and “she.”

All of this is utterly ineffective at curbing gender differences. Every study ever done has shown that there are normal and natural differences in brain chemistry between the sexes. But the liberal war on science – which ranges from abortion to sex roles – suggests that science is obsolete, and that social engineering can make boys and girls identical. It’s absurd, insulting, and psychologically damaging. But that’s Sweden.

Just wait until the liberals over in the United States get hold of the idea.