Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), who has refused a vote on President Obama’s fiscal cliff plan altogether, today labeled the entire Republican Party extremist – with the exception of some 26 Republicans. “Consider yesterday’s failure, the disabilities convention, at the hands of the Tea Party,” said Reid. “This shouldn’t have been a battle, but extreme elements of the Republican Party picked a fight where there was nothing to fight about …. These are the same Republicans with whom Democrats are supposed to reach an agreement to protect middle-class families from a tax increase.”

Even though Democrats have provided no actual negotiations on the fiscal cliff, Reid stated that it’s the Republicans who are out of touch. “I still believe there are 26 reasonable Republicans willing to put their promise to serve constituents ahead of their pledge to Grover Norquist,” he said.

Reid has no interest in working with those 26 Republicans, either. Those Senators have put tax revenue on the table – and Reid will reject their proposals anyway.