In a CBS-TV report from New York, anchor Maurice Dubois introduced a piece about the burgeoning tiny new homes movement this way:

For generations American home buyers have dreamed of living large; well now, in many a crowded metropolitan area, people are downsizing their dreams and learning that living well doesn’t always require a whole lot of room.

This is followed by the cooing of tiny new homes buyers:

Oh my God, I would love this!  It’s like 350 square feet!

My home will be 150 square feet!

Including the loft space? Maybe like 180, 200 square feet.

The voice-over continues: “These young professionals have turned this once vacant alley lot into a tiny home community, living small in a city that’s short on space.”  One of the young “professionals” then intones he is “driven by a desire for financial freedom not financial necessity.”

Translation: young people can’t find jobs, have no money, and are tired of living in their parents’ basements, but can’t afford more than a small closet.

In Washington D.C., there is a neighborhood of 150- to 200-square-foot homes growing rapidly. One owner proudly referred to her “home” as a “little house in the alleyway.”

The movement was launched in 2000 by a California company called Tumbleweed Tiny House Co., whose owner lives in a home that is 89 square feet.

With Barack Obama refusing to face the federal deficit, it won’t be long until the doll houses girls used to play with are the real thing.