With Michigan teachers unions outraged over the state’s new right-to-work law that allows teachers to work without joining the union, the state’s current teachers are preparing to close down schools in protest. To recap: unions are bankrupting Michigan schools and shutting them down as the localities run out of money. To stop that, Michiganders passed a right-to-work law. Now, in protest of that right-to-work law, unions want to shut down schools.

As Lachlan Markey of Heritage Foundation reports:

Two Michigan school districts will close Tuesday after hosts of teachers called out sick, apparently to join protests against efforts to pass right-to-work legislation in the state.

The school district superintendent in Taylor, MI, a Detroit suburb, said the district would not have enough teachers to fill the district’s classrooms, according to local news reports. The Taylor Federation of Teachers is reportedly helping to organize the protests.

Union members in Michigan are poised to do what union members in other right-to-work states have done: leave the union. Once their union dues are no longer automatically removed from their paycheck, union members often decide they’re not willing to foot the bill for union bosses’ posh salaries and lucrative benefits – or their unrealistic union deals that put teachers in job danger.