A California lawmaker has proposed a “Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights” that would grant homeless people the right to urinate on sidewalks–which is described as a life sustaining activity–panhandle, and refuse the offer of a homeless shelter. 

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, a San Francisco Democrat, introduced the bill, AB5, which would cancel out local ordinances. 

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco already “spends more than $200 million per year to house, treat and feed homeless people, who number between 5,000 and 10,000.” The measure would also protect: 

— Sleeping in public spaces such as sidewalks and parks

— 24/7 access to bathrooms, showers, water and clean syringes

— Car camping on city streets without restrictions

— “Life sustaining activities” such as urinating and collecting recycling trash

— Welfare cash payments

— Meditating or praying in public

— Panhandling

— Payment for possessions seized in a roust

— Right to refuse the offer of a homeless shelter

— Right to a lawyer in most encounters with the law