Local Lansing Michigan hot dog vendor Clint Tarver was catering for Americans For Prosperity during the right-to-work demonstrations at the State Capitol on Tuesday, when two men rushed into the tent. In a video interview with Breitbart News, Clint claims one of the men wore a “Devil Mask.” 

When reporter Lee Stranahan describes a Guy Fawkes mask, Tarver indicates that it sounds like that is what the assailant wore. Tarver was shown a photo of a Guy Fawkes mask after the interview and confirmed that it what the attacker who kicked over coffee machines and began attacking the tent with a box cutter, was wearing.

The Guy Fawkes mask is a symbol of both the Occupy Wall Street and Anonymous movements. 

Tarver was trapped in the tent as it was knocked down from the outside by an unruly mob of union proponents. He dismissed the conspiracy theory that AFP employees were in any way responsible for the destruction of the tent.

Tarver also says he was called racial epithets by other union attackers, including the “N” word and “Uncle Tom.” Tarver says he’s never been called such things in his 17 years as a hot dog vendor. His wife expressed her digust that union workers stood around with their hands in their pockets while Tarver attempted to pick up his catering equipment and other items.