Nancy Lanza, the mother of the Sandy Hook mass murderer Adam Lanza, once told a babysitter to “keep an eye on Adam at all times.”  But, according to reports, she left Adam home alone during the two days before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre when she took a two-day trip  to Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. 

According to Headline News, “Nancy Lanza had just arrived home early Thursday evening, following a two-night getaway” to New Hampshire, where witnesses said Nancy was chatting with friends and “appeared to be in good spirits.”

According to hotel records, Nancy “checked into the Omni Mount Washington Resort at 12:10 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 11, and checked out at 12:27 p.m. on Thursday.”

Nancy often took these “mini-vacations” by herself. She had driven alone before to Bretton Woods, which is nearly a five-hour drive (290 miles) from Newtown, Connecticut. Before these trips, Nancy would prepare Adam’s meals because she “didn’t want him cooking.”

Ryan Kraft, who used to live next door to the Lanza’s and was Adam’s babysitter when Kraft 14 or 15 years old and Adam was nine, said Nancy Lanza told him “to keep an eye on him at all times … to never turn my back, not even to go to the bathroom.”