Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker and self-described progressive, visited The Nation’s Gun Show, along with his camera crew, at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Virginia on Saturday. Best known for the anti-fast food film “Super-Size Me,” Spurlock visited the same gun show back in November. Spurlock interviewed attendees at the show, and it is unclear how many of those interviewed knew of Spurlock’s views and film background. 

Spurlock explored the gun issue in his previous series 30 Days. According to IMDB:

“30 Days” took aim at the issue of gun control, taking a gun control advocate and making her live with a gun-loving family.

Host Morgan Spurlock said almost 60 million Americans own guns, making the country the most armed society on the planet. He said 30,000 people die from gun violence every year, and high-profile tragedies such as 2007’s shooting at Virginia Tech University only widen the gap between the gun control advocates and the gun owners.

Spurlock was recently tapped by CNN to host a new series called “The Inside Man.”