Did you know that if you own a gun you are equivalent to a child molester? According to Mark Green, who has run for the mayoralty of new York on the Democratic ticket, your right to own a gun grants you the same right to privacy as a child molester: none.

Green appeared on “Hardball” Thursday and pronounced that gun ownership laws should be severe in their restrictions, and that just as in “Megan’s Law” which stipulates that sex offenders must be listed in a registry open to the public, gun owners should have a public registry, too. Green asserted:

If we have a Megan’s Law – because I think almost everyone might agree – that if you’re a convicted child molester, a neighbor might want to know that because they’re in your home, safe, but maybe they could hurt someone else. Same thing with guns. There may be people who think the more concealed weapons, the better. Fine. Live in Texas or Florida.

If Green gets his wish, expect the electoral vote count in Texas and Florida to skyrocket.