Remember equivalence relations? If A = B, and B=C, then A=C?

Let’s illustrate how Jewish Democrats do their own twisted version when it comes to Barack Obama, Chuck Hagel, and Israel.

  1. Barack Obama is infallible.
  2. Barack Obama loves Israel.
  3. Therefore Barack Obama’s choice of Chuck Hagel must mean Hagel is pro-Israel.

Here’s how the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) worded their endorsement of the choice of Hagel: 

President Barack Obama’s unprecedented pro-Israel credentials are unquestionable, and setting policy starts and stops with the President. While we have expressed concerns in the past, we trust that when confirmed, former Senator Chuck Hagel will follow the President’s lead of providing unrivaled support for Israel–on strategic cooperation, missile defense programs, and leading the world against Iran’s nuclear program.”

The NJDC will surely go to war with the organization that called Hagel out for his anti-Israel position in 2007, the organization that summarized Hagel’s positions this way:

In August 2006, Hagel was one of only 12 Senators who refused to write the EU asking them to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

In October 2000, Hagel was one of only 4 Senators who refused to sign a Senate letter in support of Israel.

In November 2001, Hagel was one of only 11 Senators who refused to sign a letter urging President Bush not to meet with the late Yasser Arafat until his forces ended the violence against Israel.

In December 2005, Hagel was one of only 27 who refused to sign a letter to President Bush to pressure the Palestinian Authority to ban terrorist groups from participating in Palestinian legislative elections.

In June 2004, Hagel refused to sign a letter urging President Bush to highlight Iran’s nuclear program at the G-8 summit.

Which group could have been so rough on Hagel?

Oops. It was the NJDC.

Strangely, the NJDC had little to say in 2009 when Obama appointed Hagel to his advisory board.  Ira Forman, who headed the NJDC then, said lamely, “If [Hagel] was taking a policy role, we’d have real concerns.”

Unlike Jewish Republicans, who know when a genuine threat to Israel exists and act accordingly, Jewish Democrats march in lockstep with their party; their loyalty to their party is a sickening abandonment of their heritage. And the NJDC, in its belief that Barack Obama loves Israel, may be able to proudly claim that they were solid contributors to the end of the Jewish homeland