A poll conducted for the Knights of Columbus has found that the number of Americans who favor significant limitations on abortion has risen in the last year to over four out of five. 

Of those surveyed, 83% now think abortion should have more severe restrictions, up from 79% last year. Fifty-six percent of respondents are either completely against abortion or only think it should be legal in cases of rape, incest, or where it would save the mother’s life.

More than a quarter (27%) think abortion should never be performed after the first trimester, and another 6% would ban it after six months.

Only 11% favor abortion-on-demand at any time. Fifty-eight percent of respondents thought abortion was “morally wrong”, while 84% thought laws should be passed protecting the mother and the child.

Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said:

After four decades of legalized abortion in this country, Americans have had ample time to understand that abortion has terrible consequences. They understand abortion’s true legacy – a child loses life, and parents lose a child. And after witnessing the effects of abortion for the past 40 years, Americans are not legally or morally comfortable with that legacy. It is time for our country to chart a new course on this issue – a course that protects both the mother and the child.