“Hitler Gun Ban” seems to be trending as a search term lately. Try the search yourself. Once the results come up, start reading the articles. The ones from liberal bloggers all seem to say the same thing: Hitler did NOT ban guns, he only banned them from Jews and his political enemies.

What happened to the Jews and his political enemies? Looks like a gun ban to me. Of course he was going to let his political allies keep their guns or even increase the number of guns they own. Most of the blogs use that fact to propose that in fact it wasn’t a gun ban, but an increase in overall gun ownership. That’s one way to interpret it.

I’d bet those same bloggers would believe that the tyrant who’s system of governance hinged on the total control by the government, of every citizen’s life – was from the right side of the political spectrum.

“…for the Fascist, everything is in the State, and nothing human or spiritual exists, much less has value,-outside the State.”