There have always been those who doubted the Warren Commission’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the JFK assassination. Now, they have an interesting ally: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Because 2013 is the fiftieth anniversary of Kennedy’s murder, events commemorating it have been scheduled. At one event in Dallas Friday night, RFK Jr. said that he thought a second gunman was part of the assassination. Kennedy said that his own father, Robert Kennedy, who had served his brother as Attorney General and prosecuted members of organized crime, called the Warren Commission’s report “a shoddy piece of craftsmanship.” Kennedy asserted that his father may have felt guilty because of the possibility that organized crime killed his brother out of revenge, saying of him, “I think that’s true. He talked about that. He publicly supported the Warren Commission report but privately he was dismissive of it.”

After JFK was killed, there was a concerted effort by the Left and its allies in the press (notably James Reston) to perpetuate the idea that the assassination was the fault of the right-wing, which hated JFK. This conveniently ignored the fact that Oswald had defected to Soviet Russia and made an attempt to enter Cuba.

Now that RFK Jr. is implying there was a cover-up by the Johnson Administration, we’ll see how far the Democrat Party goes into investigating its own.