More than 60,000 people are flocking to the Las Vegas SHOT show. The event, put on the by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), is a gun show with a twist–it’s not open to the public. Rather, tens of thousands of “industry professionals, recreational gun owners, and law officers” were invited to attend.

This is the 35th Annual SHOT show. 

Reacting to criticism from some that this year’s show should have been canceled because of the Sandy Hook shooting, NSSF’s Steve Sanetti told show attendees: “We are not the evildoers. You didn’t cause the monstrous crime in Newtown and neither did we.”

Kudos to Sanetti for refusing to be shamed into silence by gun-grabbers and those eaten up with political correctness. The only guilty party in Newtown was Adam Lanza.