MSNBC’s Chris Matthews compared President Barack Obama’s second inaugural speech to Lincoln’s Gettysburg address saying that, it reminded him “of another second inaugural, Lincoln’s, so much of Lincoln in that speech, from the Gettysburg Address to the second inaugural itself.” Matthews then added, “He talked about the government that we want, which is infrastructure, education, regulation, all the good things, and then recognizing that government can’t solve all the problems.”

David Corn wrote in Mother Jones that the address “targeted Obama’s people. He paid homage to Seneca Falls (women’s rights), Selma (civil rights), and Stonewall (gay rights). He spoke directly to those Americans attuned to those progressive struggles of the past and their present-day manifestations.”

However, Obama’s inauguration did not appear to fire up his base the way his first inauguration did. For one thing, thousands of un-ticketed inauguration attendees (many of whom only made it to the ceremonies towards the end after looping around closed off sections of Washington) did not hear the speech in its entirety due to a malfunctioning jumbotron on the mall’s north lawn.

In 2009, the idea of experiencing a “historic” moment, even in frigid weather, was worth just being at the inauguration of the first black president. This time around, many Obama supporters opted to stay home in front of the TV. In fact, a good number of individuals described the inauguration and parade as simply “boring” on Twitter.

Here are some tweets describing the “boring” inauguration and/or parade that followed:

In 2009 I watched the inauguration from start to end. Even the boring bits…I miss having time like that!