Senator Dianne Feinstein was joined by lawmakers, law enforcement, clergy, and Americans adversely affected by gun violence as she put forth her full updated version of the 2013 Assault Weapons ban legislation. Pointing to a display of high capacity weapons, Feinstein told a room of reporters and visitors that the goal is to “dry up the supply of these weapons over time.”

Feinstein’s legislation would ban ammunition magazines that contain more than 10 rounds. The legislation would exempt weapons already owned before passage and other hunting, sporting, antique, manually operated and disabled arms. The California Democrat later spoke with reporters and told Breitbart News:

I don’t think you need more than ten rounds. Either you’re going to be able to get your gun and hit somebody with it quickly enough or it’s impossible. Think about it, somebody has a holster in their purse–with a gun in the holster. They have to get it out of the purse. They have to unstrap the strap that holds it in the holster. They have to pull out the weapon and fire. That takes time. So the element of surprise is a big part of all of this too. So I don’t buy–I think that if you have a five shot revolver is as good as a defensive weapon, if you’re a good shot.

Feinstein expects an uphill battle for her bill to pass Congress, as a number of Democrats in both chambers will likely have issues with the legislation. Feinstein’s Democratic co-sponsors all come from the most liberal states in the country which include: Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Maryland.