How did Barack Obama use his State of the Union address, in his own humble and prayerful way, to mark the fact that he is the 44th president of the United States?

He used one pronoun 44 times. Guess which one it was?

Why, there’s no fooling you–you guessed. The pronoun was “I.”

Yup, forty-four times that most humble of men who knows he is elected to serve the people managed to squeeze in a reminder of whom this speech was really about.

Remember, this is the same man who said, “I know that former President Carter, President Clinton, they understand the irony of the presidential office, which is the longer you’re there, the more humble you become, and the more mindful you are that is beyond your powers individually to move this great country.”

Guess what?

You guessed again, didn’t you.

He was kidding.