Americans for Prosperity, the conservative group that has fiercely supported free market principles and embraced the Tea Party movement, is considering getting involved in Republican primaries next year, which could pit the group against Karl Rove’s recently-created super PAC.

Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, said the group will consider threatening GOP lawmakers in primaries who increase spending or taxes. 

After Rove created his “Conservative Victory Project,” many conservatives felt the group was meant to wage war against Tea Party candidates.6

The Senate Conservatives Fund, which was founded by Jim DeMint, said Rove’s super PAC “is actually an anti-conservative effort launched recently by the Republican establishment in Washington, DC to defeat grassroots conservatives.”

Conservative scholar and talk radio host Mark Levin slammed Rove’s record as “one of across the board losses with RINO candidates.”

Donald Trump, who donated to American Crossroads and felt his money was squandered, told Levin that, “If the Republicans are going to win, they’re going to have to break away from the Karl Rove’s of the world and, frankly, get more about … the Tea Party.”

Citizens United President David Bossie said Trump and “disclosed some long overdue truths that needed to be said” about Rove and his political groups. 

Jenny Beth Martin, of Tea Party Patriots, said Rove’s American Crossroads group wasted millions of dollars on failed candidates during the last election cycle. 

Tea Party-affiliated groups like American for Prosperity and Tea Party Patriots have been considering whether to begin efforts to allow them to influence Republican primaries in 2014. Such efforts would allow them to counter the big money that will flow from the Republican establishment to candidates the establishment supports.