Two weeks ago, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the National Archives And Records Administration (NARA) to unearth “assassination records” and other Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice documents housed at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum that are currently under Kennedy family control.

“The JFK records are clearly government records and they should be disclosed in accordance with FOIA law,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This lawsuit is about much more than the Kennedy assassination. It goes to the heart of how much control a presidential family may assert over public records. These records do not belong to the Kennedy family–the records belong to the American people.”

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of writer Max Holland.

“Over a six-year period in the 1990s, the U.S. government spent millions of tax dollars and untold man-hours in an effort to gather in one place all assassination-related documents,” Holland said. “It was and remains outrageous that relevant government documents in the papers of the attorney general at the time are somehow out of reach.”

Judicial Watch says that among the items included in the secret materials are seven documents the Assassination Records Review Board deems “assassination records,” CIA documents involving Cuba, a January 26, 1963 Cuban Information Service message titled “The Planes That Were Not There,” a document titled “Information on Lincoln Bubble Top Automobile sinse [sic] returning from Dallas” (a Lincoln Continental with a removable bubble top was the presidential limousine used by President Kennedy), and a State Department cable from Mexico.