Thirty Republicans have signed onto a letter drafted by GOP Reps. Jim Bridenstine (OK) and Tim Huelskamp (KS) asking House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to defund Obamacare in the upcoming Continuing Resolution.

The popular support for the letter is a sign House conservatives want to fight the battle against Obamacare by cutting off its appropriations, a tactic the GOP leadership has said they support but have not acted upon yet.

“The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (‘ObamaCare’) remains broadly unpopular across America,” the letter to Boehner and Cantor reads. “More and more Americans are now feeling its impact–from job losses and part-time downgrades, to insurance policy changes and violations of religious liberties, to state budget strains from Medicaid expansions. And Americans don’t like these impacts.” 

“Most Americans still believe that healthcare should be controlled by patients and doctors, not by the government,” the letter continues.

Conservatives note that while they still plan to “re-start efforts to repeal ObamaCare in its entirety this year, next year and until we are successful… in the meantime, there is more we can do in Congress.” 

The full list of signers, according to Bridenstine’s office, is as follows:

Rep. Justin Amash, Michigan

Rep. Andy Barr, Kentucky

Rep. Diane Black, Tennessee

Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee

Rep. Jim Bridenstine, Oklahoma

Rep. Paul Broun, Georgia

Rep. Ron DeSantis, Florida

Rep. Jeff Duncan, South Carolina

Rep. John Fleming, Louisiana

Rep. Trent Franks, Arizona

Rep. Phil Gingrey, Georgia

Rep. Louie Gohmert, Texas

Rep. Richard Hanna, New York

Rep. Richard Hudson, North Carolina

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Kansas

Rep. Walter Jones, North Carolina

Rep. Doug LaMalfa, California

Rep. Doug Lamborn, Colorado

Rep. Tom Massie, Kentucky

Rep. Tom McClintock, California

Rep. Mark Meadows, North Carolina

Rep. Stevan Pearce, New Mexico

Rep. Keith Rothfus, Pennsylvania

Rep. Matt Salmon, Arizona

Rep. David Schweikert, Arizona

Rep. Chris Stewart, Utah

Rep. Steve Stockman, Texas

Rep. Joe Wilson, South Carolina

Rep. Kevin Yoder, Kansas

Rep. Ted Yoho, Florida