According to Rasmussen Reports, Americans’ confidence in the economy for the short-term future has dropped precipitously. In late January, 36% of Americans felt that the economy would be better in January of 2014, but the latest poll, conducted March 1-2, showed only 25% of Americans felt the economy would be stronger 12 months later.

The new poll showed 48% of those polled believed the economy would be weaker a year later, and 18 % thought it would be unchanged.

The 25% mark of those who are now optimistic was the lowest since Rasmussen started asking that specific question in January of 2009. Additionally, only 39% of those polled thought the economy would be stronger in five years, which is also the lowest number Rasmussen has ever found. In early march 2009, that number was a strong 64%.

The majority of those polled, 51%, think the country will plunge into a depression rivaling the 1930’s in the next five years. This number rose from 43% in January.

Among investors, only 25% think things will be better in 12 months. 44% of Democrats thought the economy would be better in a year, while 72% of GOP respondents felt it will be weaker and 53% of independents agreed.