A Superstorm Sandy relief fund run by the wife of Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has collected $32 million in donations in four months and reportedly has yet to disburse any of it. 

However, Christie praised his wife’s charity on Monday, saying he was “really proud of the job she’s done and the professionalism she’s brought to the job.”

Christie “said the Sandy relief fund was never meant to provide immediate assistance to those recovering from New Jersey’s worst natural disaster,” and the “charity will provide rebuilding aid to Jersey residents whose homes and businesses were damaged by the storm and help cover gaps between repair bills and the amount covered by insurance.”

The New Jersey governor addressed the issue after The Asbury Park Press newspaper “reported Sunday that none of the relief money that came pouring in after the late October storm had reached victims.”

Christie’s wife, who is “a hedge fund manager who took two months off from her job to oversee the charity,” told the publication “she is being methodical to ensure the money is spent properly.”

The New Jersey Republican slammed his party’s House lawmakers for criticizing the pork-laden Hurricane Sandy relief bill last November after he participated in a photo-op with President Barack Obama during the last week of the 2012 presidential campaign. American Conservative Union Chair Al Cardenas cited Christie’s attack as a reason he was not invited Christie to 2013’s CPAC, which will be held this week.