NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-Second Amendment group Mayors Against Illegal Guns announced they will quit running attack ads against Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) now that he’s seen the light on background checks.

Toomey joined with Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) in fashioning a background check “compromise” they hoped everyone could support. But when they announced it on April 10, it sounded less like a compromise and more like a war on gun shows and internet sales.

This type of assault on Second Amendment rights in the guise of bipartisan compromise is exactly what Bloomberg’s group wanted. In place of the attack ads against Toomey, they’re now running an ad that praises him as someone who “understands background checks.”

While Toomey may enjoy praise from Bloomberg’s gun control group, the NRA is making it clear that new legislation against gun shows won’t do anything to prevent the next Sandy Hook: “Expanding background checks at gun shows will not prevent the next shooting, will not solve violent crime, and will not keep our kids safe in schools.”