Anthony Weiner picked up his first endorsement for mayor of New York City, and it’s not exactly a surprise. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who was accused of being connected to the Muslim Brotherhood by Michelle Bachmann. Ellison’s possible ties have been delineated here. He is the same Congressman who lauded John McCain for defending Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, from Bachmann’s charge that Abedin also had ties to the Brotherhood.

On Thursday, Ellison said:

Anthony’s a good guy in my opinion. Now, he should’ve came (sic) clean once he got busted, you know, and I’m sorry he didn’t do that – but he’s sorry he didn’t do that and his [wife Huma Abedin’s] sorry he didn’t do that … Look man, nobody here is perfect. Anthony was a great congressman in my opinion, and he’s dealt with his issues and everybody has issues. So I’d love to see Anthony Weiner be mayor of New York. I hereby endorse him.

I heard somebody say, “Weiner’s angry.” But he’s not angry – he’s passionate. He believes in what he’s doing. he was so into making sure people got a chance to go to a doctor. He was an indispensable voice on the issue of health care. And I just – you know, he and I had some disagreements on some Middle East stuff, but he was always congenial in terms of discussing it. But I like Anthony Weiner a lot. And I think his wife is an awesome person. He would do the city of New York a lot of good, I think.

Ellison endorsed Abedin’s husband without his endorsement being sought. Apparently Ellison thinks he, like Weiner, can rise to the occasion when necessary.