Some Native Americans in Greeley, Colorado are upset over a billboard that shows three men “dressed in traditional Native attire,” and the words,”Turn in your guns. The government will take care of you.”

The billboard is intended to show that people who have accepted the government’s promise to take care of them in the past have found that the government is not very good at fulfilling its promises.

Some believe the billboard “makes light of atrocities the federal government has committed against Native Americans,” others believe the billboard goes too far, and still others say it does not go far enough. For example, Irene Vernon, Colorado State University professor and chairwoman of the ethnic studies department said, “It wasn’t just about our guns.”

The billboard was placed by a group of local residents, and a spokesman for the company that put the billboard up–Lamar Advertising in Denver–said he thinks its a bit extreme but he also understands that “people are really worried about their gun rights and what liberties are going to be taken away.”

image:  A billboard on U.S. 85 and 18th Street in Greeley has residents upset on how the political billboard is depicting American Indians. (Jim Rydbom, Greeley Tribune)