On Tuesday, Facebook announced that its new communications director would be Andrea Saul, former communications director to Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. She also served as press secretary to Mitt Romney during his failed 2012 presidential campaign, as well as on Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign team in 2008. Saul infamously stated that if Joe Soptic, the employee fired from a company owned by Romney’s Bain Capital, had lived in Massachusetts, his wife might not have died from cancer thanks to Romneycare.

Zuckerberg recently launched a political action group complete with Republicans like former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour (who also has chaired the Republican National Committee); Sally Bradshaw, chief of staff to former Florida Governor Jeb Bush; Joel Kaplan, Deputy Chief of Staff to former President George W. Bush; and Rob Jesmer, former Executive Director at the National Republican Senatorial Committee from 2008-2012.